Monday, 26 May 2014

22nd Birthday preparation for him

After my birthday passed, it's my turn to plan him a birthday celebration. His birthday falls on 10th of June but I always advance the celebration due to final exams. Actually, our anniversary is just 2 days away from his birthday so I normally am the one to plan for both events together at the same time. This is our 2nd anniversary! Time passed so fast.. So, I think that I had everything checked and I'm going to celebrate it on this coming Thursday (29th May).

Frankly, this is the hardest celebration I planned. I'd been frying my head just to make sure that this celebration looks perfect so that he would never forget it, and also the last day to pamper ourselves before entering exam moods.

I am quite stress planning his 22nd birthday, probably I want it to be more brilliant than the past birthday we celebrated in Thirty8 at Grand Hyatt Hotel. I've been thinking of some surprises that made me having insomnia for quite a few days. I don't know why but I just have it. Possibly the birthday surprises that I want to make this time are quite difficult and the items that I desired for ain't easy to get. I'd been rummaging the entire Google that I turned everything upside down to search for the thing I wanted. Not only Google, but my own hometown and even the whole KL city...

But I'd been putting 100% efforts to book the best restaurant, the best birthday items to make everything perfect. The process is quite tough and I'd been facing dilemma choosing which restaurant to celebrate his birthday. Lastly I really hope that he didn't realize any surprises that I'm gonna give him. Most importantly, hope he will love the celebration that I planned for him.. It's quite a last minute planning but hope that everything goes on smoothly on that day.. God bless me =)

These are a few photos of our last year at Grand Hyatt Hotel with the link attached: 21st birthday & anniversary

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