Monday 11 June 2012

First time blogging since 8th July 2013: Reminiscence of past events and memories

This is my first time blogging started since 8th July 2013, and yet I need a brief introduction of myself. Yeah, I'm Gillian. The purpose I started off blogging is just simple, I would like to share my personal life, thoughts, doings, and everything. Erm, this is also my little diary of my daily life. Currently 21, studying pharmacy in the local university, so-called UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) is stepping into the third year of my career, time flies. But not to keep it secret, I'm in a relationship. My boy is same age with me and we are in the same class, so the main highlight here is I gonna share many things mainly about both of us. 

Firstly I'm gonna started off blogging about some reminiscence of the past events, experiences and sweet memories which I would never forget and I feel like sharing. Hmm, this is because I think that the few things I'm gonna blog later will be interesting and I found it worth of sharing. **So I'd simply chosen a date set at 2012 for my brief intro of blogging. Thus, now I'll start off with the recollection of 2012 when I'm on vacation to Sabah. 

Let's get started!

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